General Review of Numbers

Appetizer 3-5 / MORE NUMBERS / Day 1 of many


  • To check on student’s pronunciation of the numbers
  • To see if students remember well how to say ordinals, fractions, years and math operations, and to find out if there are any details that remain unclear
  • To provide the opportunity to continue to remember the numbers by intermittently practicing them in classes following the initial presentation
  • To increase the students’ confidence in their use of saying the numbers through exploration and practice



General review of numbers

Pairwork practice


Future classes

Further practice materials


Lower intermediate to advanced


5 minutes


  • Board, screen or flip chart
  • Handouts for class:
    HO9 ordinals fractions years math ops
    HO10 ordinals fractions years
    HO11 ordinals fractions years
    HO12 math operations
    HO10 ordinals fractions years math ops
  • Audio APPAUD25 first 3 rows of HO 9
  • Audio APPAUD26 last 3 rows of HO 9



Class Plan


This activity is a review and is based on the premise that the students are already familiar with saying ordinals, years, fractions and simple math operations in English.  If there is one or more of these areas that you think the students might need to explore first, you could have a look at some of the ideas offered in their respective lesson plans:

Ordinals – APP 3-1          Years – APP 3-2           Fractions – APP 3-3          Math Operations – APP 3-4

HO 9          Review of Numbers
(Ordinals, Fractions, Years & Math Operations)

Practice handout for students

A STEP 1      INTRO TO REVIEW                  NUMBERS                          GENERAL REVIEW
a) Put the students into pairs and give each pair Handout #9 (HO 9).
b) Have one student say all the numbers in the first row.  You guide as the student is speaking.

NOTE:  Regarding the math operations, they only have to say the sentence (complete equation), not make the question.  For example:   five plus three is equal to eight   

c) If you feel it necessary, do the same procedure with another student (or two), reciting the numbers in Row 2.  There is the option of using the audio recording of APPAUD 25 where the students can listen to another person saying the numbers in the first 3 rows of HO 9.


Students listen to and repeat the numbers of Ordinals, Fractions, Years & Math Operations
which correspond to the first three rows of Handout 9 (HO 9)

5th       12th       1/4       2/5      1902      1200       2001
8 + 4 = 12        8 – 4 = 4        8 ÷ 4 = 2        8 x 4 = 32

21st      102nd      3/7      1/2      2100      1040      1706
12 ÷ 3 = 4        12 x 3 = 4        12 – 3 = 9        12 + 3 = 15

13th       30th       2/3       1/5       2207       1605       1800
15 – 5 = 10        15 + 5 = 20        15 x 5 = 75        15 ÷ 5 = 3

A STEP 2      PAIRWORK PRACTICE                  NUMBERS                   GENERAL REVIEW
a) Students take turns reciting the numbers.  After one student has finished one row, the next student does the following row.  They continue until they’ve done all six rows.  Encourage them to speak easily and with some fluidity, and to use more than one way to say the symbols in the math operations (+ and, ‘n’, plus   or  = equals, is, is equal to etc).
b) Monitor the students and guide them as they speak.  If a number of them seem unclear or less confident about one area (ex: fractions) then make a note of it and prepare something for the next class (see the references to the respective lesson plans above.
c) Give feedback – Point out what needs clarifying and mention where they did well.


Students listen to and repeat the numbers of Ordinals, Fractions, Years & Math Operations
which correspond to the last three rows of Handout 9 (HO 9)

70th       17th       1/6       3/8       2020       1900       1409
14 x 2 = 28      14 ÷ 2 = 7      14 + 2 = 16      14 – 2 = 12

50th       15th       1/3       3/4       1700       1307       2008
9 ÷ 3 = 3         9 – 3 = 3         9 x 3 = 27         9 + 3 = 12

19th       90th       4/5       1/10      1201       1856       1100
16 – 2 = 14       16 x 2 = 32       16 + 2 = 18       9 ÷ 3 = 3


There is nothing wrong with using the same handout for several classes.  Repetition is often what students need to help familiarize them with the information they need to acquire.  It is also true that many people are influenced by modern trends and they believe that it is boring and not helpful if they are presented with the same materials each time.  Below you can find a number of other handouts that you can use for a quick review or further practice in future classes.  The students can practice the same things, but with new examples.

Further practice of Ordinals, Fractions & Years

   (you can go into the previous lesson plans for more handouts in any one area)

HO 10          Review of Numbers
(Ordinals, Fractions & Years)

Practice handout for students

HO 11          Review of Numbers
(Ordinals, Fractions & Years)

Practice handout for students

Further practice of Math Operations

HO 12          Review of Numbers
(Math Operations)

Practice handout for students

Further practice of Ordinals, Fractions, Years & Math Operations

HO 13          Review of Numbers
(Ordinals, Fractions, Years & Math Operations)

Practice handout for students

a) Follow the same recommended procedure described in Step 2 above.  You can use the handouts as a warmer in the beginning of the class, something to do in the final few minutes of the class, or at any time in between, perhaps as a break between two different themes or activities you want to present.  The idea is that the students practice occasionally in future classes to maintain and strengthen their memory and skills in saying the numbers.  Quick reviews can take only 5 minutes of class time but go a long way in helping them remember.

Handouts for APP 3-5    General Review of Numbers

Ordinals Fractions
Years Math ops

Used in part A

HO 10  OFY#1
Ordinals Fractions
Years only

Used in part B

HO 11  OFY #2
Ordinals Fractions
Years only

Used in part B

HO 12
Math Operations

Used in part B

HO 13   OFYM#2
Ordinals Fractions
Years Math ops

Used in part B

APP 3-5
General Review
of Numbers