A brief overview of the article
I have something to share with you. After seven intensive months of hard work, I have completed a project that I believe could be useful to many teachers. It was originally intended to be a simple article but has instead blossomed into something much more extensive. As the title suggests, the focus is on lesson planning and is a theme that often arises. It comes up…

— in certificate courses (as a subject to study, in preparation for teaching practice classes, and in post-observation feedback)
— with teachers with some experience who are seeking direction and practical ideas
— with seasoned teachers who are experienced in areas different to modern teaching techniques in language learning. Perhaps they have taught a different subject such as math or history, or perhaps they are accustomed to a different methodology like Grammar Translation or the Audio-lingual Method
— for coordinators or directors of studies, or a person in human resources / recruiting who would like to direct some of the staff to develop their lesson planning skills further
— for teacher trainers and course tutors who would like to refer the trainees to a source which can supplement or complement what they are learning, pre, during or post course
— for educators discussing the merits of various systems and approaches in language learning

During the evolution of this article on lesson planning, many changes took place before it solidified into its present form. One major decision was to focus primarily on one model, the PPP model, and to adapt it to fit modern approaches to teaching (such as having greater emphasis on elicitation and student involvement as opposed to more reliance on teacher lecturing as when the PPP model first appeared).

Another decision was to take into account the variety of potential readers and the learning curve struggles that one faces while becoming more orientated to a new approach. It is one task to intellectually become acquainted with some concepts, and it is another thing entirely to apply those concepts in real-life situations. The format of presentation came to be distributed in the manner described below with these ideas in mind.
New teachers, for example, may wish to go through the article from beginning to end (taking breaks to reflect on and assimilate the information better), while others may prefer to see what one particular section may have to offer (such as the cheat sheet or ‘chuleta’ you can download to have a handy set of guidelines and activity suggestions at your side while planning your own lessons). The structure of the article is as follows:

Part 1: Understanding the PPP Model
- The PPP Model Explained
—Section A: Introduction / Outline of the basic lesson plan
—Section B: A brief look at a PPP lesson plan
—Section C: A review and an example for a PPP lesson plan on vocabulary
—Section D: A deeper look and an example for a PPP lesson plan on grammar
- FAQs about the PPP model as well as TEFL certification courses
- The PWP Model — a brief look at lesson planning for a focus on reading or listening

Part 2: A video observation of a class being taught with the PPP model
● Introduction
● A look at the lesson planning and materials
● Videos for each stage and activity
● Evaluation of the lesson plan delivery and the class

Part 3: ● Writing Your Own Lesson Plan
A. Getting started
B. A few more tips
C. A chuleta (cheat sheet) for you
- Examples of PPP lesson Planning
– several lesson plans are given using the PPP model to demonstrate how they could be designed to respond to a given situation (how to teach a class covering certain points). Four of the situations are presented as a challenge where the viewer can try to come up with her or his own lesson plan and compare with those provided.
If you are interested in looking at lesson planning, I invite you to have a look at this article, either at a particular section or two, or in its entirety. You may also wish to check out other articles, materials and ideas on Max’s English Corner. As always, I am happy to hear from you if you have any comments or questions to pass my way.
Max Maximchuk