Numbers 0 to 20

Appetizer 2-2 / CARDINAL NUMBERS / Day 2 of 3


  • To review the numbers 1 – 10 covered in the last class
  • To introduce the numbers 0 and 11 – 20
  • To increase the students’ confidence in remembering and pronouncing the numbers 0 – 20 well




Numbers 1 – 10



Numbers 0 & 11 – 20


Further Practice

Addition &/or Number table




15+ minutes


  • Board, screen or flip chart
  • Handouts for class:
    HO1 numbers 1 – 10
    HO3 numbers 0 – 20 (top section)
    HO4 number table 1 – 20



Class Plan


A STEP 1      REVIEW NUMBERS    1 – 10                                                         NUMBERS 0-20
a) Project or write on the board the numbers 1 to 10.
b) All the class recites the numbers.    (either you with them, or you first and they repeat)


Students listen to and repeat the numbers

HO 1          NUMBERS 1 TO 10

Numbered boxes for reference

A STEP 2  Optional:    PAIRWORK:  REVIEW NUMBERS    1 – 10              NUMBERS 0-20
a) Put students into pairs and give each pair HO1 (a new one, not with their answers).

This is identical to Part B in the last class but feel free to repeat the activity if you feel the students need the extra practice.

b) Go to one pair but speak addressing the class.  Explain that you will be taking on Student#1’s role.
c) (The following is an example of how to model how the ‘teacher’ could deal with two students rather than just one in pair-work.)  Randomly point to one of the ten numbers and ask Student#2 to say it.  Then randomly point to a different number and ask Student#3 to say it.  Do this several times until each student has said 3 or 4 numbers.  Generally speaking, it’s better to alternate frequently than to have one student wait for a while.  It keeps them more attentive and involved.
d) Now have Student#2 take on the role of teacher, randomly pointing to one of the ten numbers and asking you (Student#1) and the other student to name them.  (If you use another group to model then you would simply watch and guide if necessary.)
e) When it is clear for everyone what the expectations are, have all the groups begin with one student being the teacher for a short time.  Make sure that they frequently change roles, after every 6 or 8 numbers.  (Have the teacher insist that his/her students spell at least one of their numbers each.)
f) Continue until everyone has had at least one turn as teacher.

HO 3          NUMBERS 0 TO 100

Numbered boxes for reference

A STEP 3      REVIEW SPELLING OF NUMBERS    1 – 10                             NUMBERS 0-20
a) Give the students HO3 and tell them to write out the numbers from 1 to 10 in the boxes next to the numbers.
b) Monitor, have students check each other’s work in pairs and go over the spelling with the class when everyone is done.

PART B:  INTRODUCE 0, 11 & 12

B STEP 1      INTRODUCE NUMBERS 0, 11 & 12                                            NUMBERS 0-20
a) 0:    Have the students count from 10 to 1 and elicit the number that follows one (zero).
b)        Have the students repeat the word ‘zero’ and elicit the spelling which you write on the board.  If you like you can have the students fill in the box next to the number, but the recommendation for this exercise is that for the time being, the pens are lying down on the desk and the students don’t write.  They are only to pay attention.
c) 11:  Count with the students 0, 1, 2 until ten and elicit the number that comes after ten (eleven)
d)        Elicit the spelling and write it on the board.
e)        Students pronounce ‘11’, repeating it after you.
f)        Elicit the number of syllables (3) and draw 3 boxes in a row to exemplify this.
g)        Elicit which syllable is the strongest.

Also write 3 different ways to show the stress such as:     e LE ven          eleven          or
change the second of the 3 drawn boxes to a much bigger size

Tell the students to choose one of those 3 ways to indicate word stress in their future notes.

h) 12:  Elicit the number 12 – its pronunciation and spelling
i)        Elicit how many syllables it has.  (1)
j) Students pronounce the numbers 0 to 12.
B STEP 2      INTRODUCE NUMBER 13                                                            NUMBERS 0-20
a) 13:  Elicit the number 13 – its pronunciation and spelling.
b)        Elicit how many syllables it has.  (2)
c)        Point out how the ‘teen’ is attached at the end and elicit or tell them it signifies 3 + 10 = thirteen
d)       Mention that the ‘teen’ is a tag at the end and when pronounced, it is extended t – e – e – n.

The intonation goes up at the beginning of the tee and drops a little at the end.

e)       Also point out that the part of the word before the ‘teen’ is what receives the strong stress (word stress).

(THIRteen, FOURteen, FIFteen, SIXteen, SEventeen, EIGHteen, NINEteen)

B STEP 3      INTRODUCE NUMBERS 14 to 20                                                NUMBERS 0-20
a) Say 14, students repeat, say 15, students repeat, continue until 20.
b) Elicit and write on the board the spelling for the numbers 14 – 20.  Students look but don’t write anything yet in their notebooks.  Point out the spelling of thirteen (not threeteen) and fifteen (not fiveteen).
c) Erase the words but leave the numbers.
B STEP 4      PRACTISING THE SPELLING   NUMBERS 11-20                      NUMBERS 0-20
a) Give the chalk / board pen to a student and have him/her spell out ‘eleven’ next to ‘11’.
b) Have the class repeat the pronunciation and tell the student to give the chalk/board pen to another (any other) student to complete number 12.
c) Continue until 20 is completed as above.
d) Point out one more time to be careful of the spelling of 13 and 15.
e) Elicit the word stress for each word and underline that part that is stressed.  (ex: fourteen)
f) Students now write the spelling of the numbers 11 to 20 in the chart (HO3) as well as ‘zero’.
g) Go over the spelling and tell them that the rest of the chart will be completed in the following class.
B STEP 5      FOLLOW-UP   NUMBERS 0-20                                                       NUMBERS 0-20
a) Have the class say the numbers from 0 to 20 and then again 20 to 0.

Listen carefully as they say the numbers and have them repeat any of the more difficult ones.

(A variation of this would be to have one student say ‘0’, the next student says ‘1’ and so on.)


Students listen to and repeat the numbers


C OPTION 1      ADDITION:  PRACTICING THE NUMBERS                       NUMBERS 0-20
a) Write on the board:

Question:  How much is three plus eight?

Answer:    Three plus eight equals eleven.       And have the students copy this down.

b) Go over the pronunciation, including saying it fluently in groups of words such as “How much is”.
c) Model two or three more examples (addition only) with different students.
d) Put them in pairs and have them alternate, asking and answering addition questions.  Remind them to use only numbers whose sum does not exceed twenty and to group the words while saying them:

How much is    three plus eight?               Three plus eight    equals eleven.

HO 4          NUMBERS 1 TO 20

Numbered boxes for reference

C OPTION 2      NUMBER TABLE                                                                       NUMBERS 0-20
a) Give each pair a copy of HO4.
b) One student takes on the role of teacher and randomly points to different numbers, eliciting the pronunciation and occasionally (maybe one per turn) the spelling from the other student.
c) After asking about 10 numbers, students change roles.

Handouts for APP 2-2        Cardinal Numbers 0 – 20

HO 1 #1 – 10
Row of 10 boxes

Used in part A

HO 3 #1 – 100
Pron & Spelling

Part A

Part B

HO 4 #1-20

Used in part C

APP 2-2
Numbers 0-20