Numbers 1 to 100

Appetizer 2-3 / CARDINAL NUMBERS / Day 3 of 3


  • To review the numbers 0 to 20
  • To introduce the numbers 21 to 100 and help the students with their pronunciation and spelling
  • To increase the students’ confidence in their use of the numbers




Numbers 0 – 20


Intro ‘tens’ & teens

20, 30,….90 // 13, 14,….19


Intro mid-numbers

21-29, 31-39 etc


Further Practice

Consolidate 1 – 100


Further Practice

Game of 99




(without game) 10-15 minutes
Introduce & play game: 20+ minutes


  • Board, screen or flip chart
  • Handouts for class:
    HO3 numbers 0 – 100
    HO4 number table 1 – 20
    HO5 number table 1 – 100
  • Poker cards and chips (see Part E)
    HO6 rules of card game (’99’)
    HO7 reference sheet to ’99’
  • Audio option APPAUD 6  Review 0 – 20
  • Audio option APPAUD 7  Tens & Teens
  • Audio option APPAUD 8  Mid-numbers


– Note 1
– Note 2


Class Plan


a) Say ‘zero’ and make a motion to indicate that you want the class to say the next number (point up or show one finger).  After you elicit ‘one’, indicate you want the next number (two).  Continue until 20, then have the class count down until zero.
b) -also possible-  If you feel they need more practice, put them in groups of two and have student#1 say ‘one’, student#2 say ‘two’, student#1 say ‘three’ etc.  Have them say their numbers in a rhythmical way and continue until you stop them.  (When one student says ‘twenty’, the other starts at ‘zero’ again.)


Students listen to and repeat the numbers

and / or

HO 4          NUMBERS 1 TO 20

Numbered boxes from 1 to 20

A OPTION 2      REVIEW 0 – 20     NUMBER TABLE                                            NUMBERS 0-100
a) Give each pair a copy of HO4.
b) One student takes on the role of teacher and randomly points to different numbers, eliciting the pronunciation and occasionally (maybe one per turn) the spelling from the other student.
c) After asking about 10 numbers, students change roles.


HO 3          NUMBERS 0 TO 100

Numbers for reference:  Symbol and written forms

B STEP 1      INTRODUCE THE ‘TENS’:  30,40, 50…                                    NUMBERS 0-100
a) Write on the board:

20     TWEN  ty

30     THIR    ty


90     NINE   ty                                   Note the spelling of FOR ty (not FOUR ty)   &   FIF ty (not FIVE ty)

b) Pronounce 20 (TWEN ty) and have the students repeat.   Point out where the stress is placed (strongly on the first syllable, and weakly on the ‘ty’).  Have them say it again, exaggerating the stressed syllable.
c) Do the same for 30, then 40 until 90.
d) Tell the students to fill out the 20 – 90 column on their HO3, pronouncing the words in their mind while writing them out.
B STEP 2      COMPARE THE ‘TENS’ WITH THE ‘TEENS’                       NUMBERS 0-100
a) Write on the board:

30                          THIR ty                           Say and have the students repeat  THIR ty.

13                          THIR t – e – e – n           Say and have the students repeat THIR t – e – e – n.


When saying “THIR ty”, tap hard on the board on ‘THIR’ and lightly when saying ‘ty’.  For 13, tap your foot on ‘THIR’ when you say it, but for the ‘teen’, put your hands together and slowly extend them apart while stretching out the t-e-e-n in your pronunciation.

b) Say FOR ty while tapping out the rhythm on the dark boxes (as in THIR ty in the step before) and

Say FOUR t – e – e – n , stretching out the final suffix.   Students repeat both 14 and 40.

c) Continue until 19 & 90.
d) To reinforce their understanding, randomly ask a few students to each say similar pairs (ex: 15, 50) that you indicate on the board.


Students listen to and repeat the numbers

30, 13     40, 14     50, 15     60, 16     70, 17     80, 18     90, 19


HO 3          NUMBERS 0 TO 100

Numbers for reference:  Symbol and written forms

C 1 STEP      INTRODUCE THE MID-NUMBERS 31-39                               NUMBERS 0-100
a) Write on the board:  31
b) Elicit the pronunciation and the spelling.  (Tell the students that the line is the middle is a ‘hyphen’ or ‘dash’.
c) Write ‘32’ and then ‘38’, eliciting the pronunciation and spelling.
d) The students complete the corresponding part of the chart, writing out the spelling for each of the numbers.
e) Go over the answers as a class.


Students listen to and repeat the numbers

21     22     23     34     45     56     67     78     89     91     99     100


HO 3          NUMBERS 0 TO 100

Numbers for reference:  Symbol and written forms

D STEP 1      FURTHER PRACTICE:  SPELLING                                            NUMBERS 0-100
a) Tell the students to pass their HO3 to the person on their right.  That student will write 12 new numbers from 0 to 100 in the small boxes in the bottom section.  When done, s/he will return the paper to the original student.
b) The student who is the original owner of the paper has to write out the numbers in word form, using hyphens where appropriate.
c) Monitor the students’ work, getting an idea of how they’re doing.  Help, remind and correct individual students when needed and later address the class as a whole, letting them know they did well but may have to remember a few certain details.

HO 5     Number Table for pronunciation

Students say complete row of numbers.   Next row for next student.

D STEP 2      FURTHER PRACTICE:  NUMBER TABLE                                 NUMBERS 0-100
a) Give one handout (HO5) to each pair of students and have them alternate saying a complete row of numbers each (Student 1 says the first row, Student 2 the second, Student 1 the third, etc)
b) Monitor the groups as they progress through the numbers, correcting them at the moment and later go over anything that came to your attention with the whole of the class at the end of the activity.


HO 6          RULES FOR ’99’

Some vocabulary and the rules on how to play the game
(Step 1 is to go over the vocabulary)

E STEP 1      GAME OF 99:  VOCABULARY     (Part 1 of HO6)                      NUMBERS 0-100
a) Give HO6 to each student and refer them to PART 1:  VOCABULARY.
b) Demonstrate the meaning of each of the first 3 verbs (shuffle, cut, deal) and say the verb while doing it.
c) Do the three actions again (maybe in different order) and elicit the target vocabulary from the class.
d) Do the same thing with the phrasal verbs, demonstrating the meaning through action and repeat, eliciting the vocabulary from them.
e) Very theatrically ‘steal’ a card from the deck to set up the imperative of “Don’t cheat”.
f) Show a hand of 3 Kings to demonstrate “You’re (very) lucky” and a hand of 2, 3 & 7 to show very unlucky.

HO 6          RULES FOR ’99’

Some vocabulary and the rules on how to play the game
(Step 2 is to go over how the cards work in this game.)

E STEP 2      GAME OF 99:  THE CARDS     (Part 2 of HO6)                         NUMBERS 0-100
  BASIC CARDS   (ace, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8)
a)      Have the class huddle around you as you demonstrate how the cards work.
b)      Tell the class that basically it is a game of adding but the total can never exceed 99 (hence the name).
c)      Show two cards (ex: a 3 and a 5).   (Do not show a Jack, Queen, King nor a 4, 9 or 10 just yet.)
d)      Put the 3 down first (facing up) and ask, “How many points?” or “What is the total?”    (3)
e)      Then place the 5 on top.  “3 plus 5?”   (8)
f)      Continue with two or three more cards from this first group (ace, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Remember that the ace has a value of one point.

g) JACK & QUEEN          Explain that a Jack or Queen is equal to 10 points.
h)      Start the counting again.  Place a 3 down (showing it to the class first) and elicit ‘3’.  Then a Jack, eliciting
‘13’ (or 3 plus 10 equals 13).  Continue with a few more cards from group 1 and another Jack or Queen.
i) KING         Explain that a King changes the total automatically to 99.  Whatever the total was before is now 99.
j)      Show a 5 and elicit ‘5’ when you place it down.  Then a King, eliciting ‘99’.  Place another King on top and
elicit ‘99’ again.
k) 10             A ten has a value of minus 10, subtracting 10 points from the previous total.
l)      Demonstrate again as above, starting from the beginning.  Show a few cards and add them to the growing
discard pile.  Elicit the new totals using the values they have learned until now.  Then show how a ten affects
the total, taking ten points away.  (If the previous total was 38, now with a ten placed on top, it is now 28.)
m) 9                has a value of 0 so when a player uses that card, s/he says the same total as it was before the 9 card
was played.  ex:  52 plus 0  (the value of the 9 card) equals 52.
n) 4            This card is a bit trickier to explain.  It is identical to 9 in that it also has a value of zero.  However, it
changes the flow of the game momentarily.  If Player 2 plays a King, for example, then Player 3 has only 4
possible options (a 10, 9, 4 or another King) because the total cannot exceed 99.  If Player 3 plays a 4 card,
saying 99, it is Player 2’s turn again, not Player 4.  Playing a 4 changes the direction of the game but
for only that one player.  So, Player 2 plays again.  Then the game continues as it normally does, with Player
3 having his/her turn after.

HO 6          RULES FOR ’99’

Some vocabulary and the rules on how to play the game
(Step 3 is to go over the rules.)


A few simple references to help remind the students

E STEP 3      GAME OF 99:  THE RULES     (Part 3 of HO6)                         NUMBERS 0-100
a) Create a group of 3 players, yourself included.  The other students not in the group are observing.
b) You start as the dealer, dealing out 3 cards to each player and turn the top card over.

(-optional- to make the demonstration go faster, start at a total of 70 rather than ‘0’ plus the value of the top card)

c) Player One adds his/her card, saying the new total.  Then Player Two, etc.  Tell them that when it’s their turn, they have to play one of their cards (if they can), say the new total so everyone can hear, and pick up a new card.
d) Play a complete round or two so the students can see how the Jack, Queen, King and 4, 9 & 10 are used as well as to see what happens when ‘99’ is reached and how a person loses.
e) Tell the students that one good strategy is to hold onto the 4, 9,10 & King and any low cards like ace or 2 until they need them (like when the total is or is close to 99).
f) Put the students into groups of 2 to 5 players (groups of 3 or 4 are usually best) and give each group their own cards and 3 chips per player.
g) Give each group of students HO7 (it could be conveniently placed on the other side of HO6) so they have a reference.
h) Have them start playing and monitor them to make sure they understand the game well enough.  Remind them  that they have to say the totals in English every turn.
i) -optional-  Let the students play a couple of rounds and then tell them that if they forget to pick up a card when it is still their turn, they lose out on that opportunity and now have only two cards to play from.  (If they forget another time, then they have only one card.  But they can never have less than one card to play from.)

Handouts for APP 2-3    Numbers 1 – 100

 HandOut 3
Numbers 1-100 written

Part B

Part C

Part D

HO 4
Numbers 1-20

Used in part A

HO 5
Numbers 1-100 mixed

Used in part D

HO 6
Rules for 99

Used in part E

HO 7  Reference
Sheet for 99

Used in part E

APP 2-3
Numbers 1-100