Articles on MEC

to help English language teachers

This section is dedicated to articles written by the author of this website on a range of topics related to the profession of teaching English as an additional language.  Some articles deal directly with themes and materials presented on this site, some are in response to requests of English language teachers, and some explore a particular theme in some depth.

There are also some specialized pointers and articles to be found in Teaching Ideas, two of which are listed here.

Summary of Article

Here you can get a brief overview of what can be found in Max’s English Corner.  After going through the overview, you may also want to look around to get a better look at what is offered and what will be coming up.

An Introductory Overview of
Max’s English Corner

Summary of Article

Some suggestions on how to approach dealing with a new situation, particularly in starting out with using new technology while teaching.  This isn’t a technical article, but rather provides some ways on how you might better prepare yourself and take on the changes in how you teach.

Coping with Online Teaching
(& New Technology)

Summary of Article

This is for the teachers who struggle to get a good lesson plan together.  Many tips are given to help orientate the reader of what to consider while planning and some different examples are provided to show some possibilities.

Lesson Planning 101

Summary of Article

This article is broken down into 3 major sections:
1- Explanation of the ideas and terminology behind the PPP Model
2- A demonstration class being taught with this model
3- Some practical tips, guidelines and examples of activities you can use

Lesson Planning 102:   The PPP Model

Summary of Article

Focuses on what you can do in conversation classes or when you want your students to speak in other types of classes.  This article goes over a range of considerations to help you in your planning such as clarifying your objectives, the first class of the course and evaluating your students, to name a few.  There are also many practical ideas for activities you can try out and some examples of lesson plans which you can look at.

Conversation (In) Classes

Summary of Article

This article begins with a brief description of how one might develop materials for a particular objective – in this case to encourage speaking about a variety of themes using some new vocabulary each time.  The article goes on to explain how one could exploit the different features of this resource in the classroom with the intention of building the students’ confidence and initiative in speaking, as well as their repertoire of productive vocabulary.

Enhance Speaking in Class
Today’s Theme

Summary of Article

This is a guide to the short stories and anecdotes available on this site.  The first seven are accompanied by lesson plans and materials, ideas and activities you can use with them.  There are many more texts available covering a variety of themes.  These are recommended for the higher levels, around upper intermediate and up.

Reading / Short Stories

Summary of Article

Brief descriptions of six videos you can use in your classroom looking at social issues and found on this website, complete with lesson plans and student worksheets.

Social Issues on YouTube Videos
Dessert:  Undesirable Situations

Summary of Article

This article is dedicated to ESL teachers looking for ideas and advice when preparing their classes with the idea of using a video in some way.  (Many of the ideas and tasks are applicable for reading and listening activities as well.)  It provides advice on how to approach using video as well as many practical activities that can involve the students in different ways.  The final section is dedicated to offering some ready-made lesson plans to accompany some videos and links to interesting sites that teachers may wish to check out.

Using Video in Class


and a special thanks to those of you offering feedback and comments