What the website is about

This website is dedicated to teachers of English, ranging from those just starting in the field to others with much experience under their belt and are looking for some new ways to approach vocabulary and grammar, for example. It encompasses what I call Integrated Learning, a methodology which includes a progressive process with one activity building on the last and a high level of student involvement. There are three basic categories (Appetizers, Main Course and Dessert) which are grouped together in Features of the Week / Month (the latest entries) and in Already Here (entries from past issues). These are the result of many years of experience and experimentation in class and in their final form have brought many students to comment on how much they enjoyed the materials and the methodology behind them. I have shared some of these ideas with other teachers on a one-to-one basis as well as in a number of workshops. Now I’d like to reach a greater audience through the Internet.
You can visit MEC (Max’s English Corner) as often as you like and I will offer you something fresh “to eat” every issue. Generally speaking, every ten to twenty days will bring a new release in one of the three categories, usually rotating them to add variety while maintaining some continuity. All the activities are free and complete with lesson plans and materials which you can download &/or print if you like. They have all been tried on many different groups with great success. What is being presented on this website has gone through a long process of modifications and adaptations to better suit a variety of students and their learning needs.
If you have any comments or questions, you can pass them on to me by sending an email in the Contact section.
Thanks for dropping by and hope to see you again in the near future,
Max Maximchuk
A guide or two to the site
If you’d like to get a clearer idea of what this website consists of, you may want to have a look at How to use this site. There are some explanations of some of the elements that make up Max’s English Corner. If you would like a more visual guide to some of the components, click here for an overview of the site.
It would be very unusual for a good project to be done solely by one person. I’d like to start off by thanking Núria Llados Albiol & Pau Maximchuk Llados for their patience, understanding & help both on the technical side and for being there to bounce ideas off of.
Isabel Canillas & Rafael Ruiz for their initial effort in helping the website take some form in its early stages. I’d also like to thank them as well as Sara Ruiz & Pol Ruiz for their good-natured participation in some of the video sessions.
Miguel Angel Tena Martin, Albert Sancho & Clara Mut i Bosque openly gave their support in the video and photo sessions and easily volunteered to be part of the many experiments we undertook together.
Photos do help add to the pages and I’d like to extend many thanks to director Bronagh Lee and teacher Sophie Wainwright of Wise Words English Academy for their permission and support in allowing me into their classroom to take some photographs using some of the ideas and materials shown on this site.
I’d like to include Juan Jose Lopez Zamorano for his emotional & technical support during one of the rougher patches near the end.
And lastly but certainly not least, I’d like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all my students who directly & indirectly influenced how the classes and the approach to them took shape.
May you all be as fortunate as I have been in taking on those bigger projects that make up our dreams. Many thanks again! :)
One final note: Almost all the bugs have been worked out and while Max’s English Corner hasn’t been online for long, I thank you for your patience. If you’re new or a returning visitor, I’d love to hear what you think about the site. In CONTACT you can send in your perspectives about any of the three themes of Lesson Plans / Teaching Ideas, The Harvey Skidoo Tree Series & What Is It. Or if what you’d like to say isn’t directly relevant to one of those themes, you can make your comment(s) in the message box in CONTACT.